
Becky Moore is a lifelong southerner with a penchant for storytelling and a propensity to try anything at least once. As a result, she can make an adventure out of any situation. She loves to read and write contemporary romance, and romantic suspense. In her down time, and in the real world, Becky loves to spend time with her husband and son. They live in the urban wilds of central North Carolina. She’s an avid gardener, hiker, kayaker, bicyclist, swimmer, and community volunteer. She spent over a dozen years working as a writer, graphic artist, photographer and PR whiz in the pharmaceutical, hi-tech, performing arts, and HIV/AIDS (grantwriting) fields before venturing into her current status of author, freelance writer and adjunct instructor. She’s a Contributor with BookPage and Frolic, and teaches writing classes at two community colleges in central North Carolina.

Becky is a member of the North Carolina Writer’s Network, SCBWI, and the Chatham Arts Council.

Headshot by Peyton Sickles.

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